Stem Cell Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) at Hand
This happened… just all over sudden and you cannot perform. How did it happen, how did IT stop functioning?
This one horror among many men in this generation is extremely common. An estimate of 5% and 25% of men of the ages of 40 and 65 respectively experience erectile dysfunction on a long term basis according to Everyday Health.
The effect extends to the partners as well and has serious psychological effects since it is one topic that many men find difficult to talk about. The lack of conversation is the root cause of emotional distress between couples.
Erectile dysfunction may trigger feelings of low self-esteem and depression which leads to anticipatory anxiety. The definite symptoms of erectile dysfunction are the inability to get and maintain an erection, low sexual interest and reduced performance.
The causes of erectile dysfunction are heart disease, diabetes, obesity, tobacco use among other medical conditions.
Peace of Mind
Be it social, psychological or medical reasons that make you lose your sexual function, don’t let it pin you down and being a slave of despair. As a partner, don’t let your beloved man shrink into psychological problems because his member just won’t be up to the task.
With the ego and the embarrassment attached to losing sexual function, as a man or woman who is affected, champion yourselves for coming out as it is the most important step.
The condition is manageable and here is what StemFinityCord has to offer – Stem cell therapy for treating erectile dysfunction.
The restorative approach involves using mesenchymal stem cells from umbilical cord Wharton Jelly which reverses the underlying changes caused by erectile dysfunction.
How Stem Cell Therapy Works for ED
The therapeutic capacity of mesenchymal stem cells has been demonstrated across all medical disciplines; the main mechanisms that have been considered are paracrine action and cellular differentiation.
The regenerative effects of stem cells are likely to be achieved by secretion of various growth factors into the bloodstream and migration of these factors to major pelvic ganglia in addition to cell contact, paracrine signalling system and cellular differentiation.
This therapy involves injecting patient stem cells derived from the umbilical cord tissue into the erectile tissues of the penis. The stem cell help in inducing smooth muscle regeneration, restoration of the endothelial functions and neural regeneration.
The Mesenchymal Stem Cells differentiate into diverse cell types capable of replacing damaged or dysfunctional tissues of the penis. The cells express endothelial and smooth muscle phenotype which raises the possibility that their population may be effective in either replacing or rejuvenating the dysfunctional tissues of the penis.
Backed by Research
Medical practitioners have found that among 21 men who had erectile dysfunction due to prostate cancer and had not responded well to standard medical treatment were treated using stem cell procedure by extracting the abdominal fat cells from the men through liposuction.
According to Dr. Haahr as noted by Medical News Today, the stem cells were isolated from the fat cells and injected in the corpus cavernosum of the subject’s penis. Prior to the stem cell procedure, the patients had an International Index of Erectile Function score of 6 representing a severe erectile dysfunction, after the stem cell procedure, there was an increase in the IIEF score to 12 which indicated a mild to moderate ED. Studies have tested genetically transduced and transfected stem cells are known to encode proteins that positively regulate erectile function. Plasmid transfection results in cells that only transiently express the transfected gene while transduction. Stem cells tend to be modified by transfection with angiogenic and neurotropic genes or their transplantation supplemented with such growth factors; these modifications and supplementations have been reported to increase the therapeutic efficacy.
A study conducted by Hindawi also notes that stem cell transplantation also results in improved muscle endothelium and nerves in the erectile tissues which are directly linked to the paracrine action. In diabetic men with ED, who were treated using stem cell therapy, there was an increase in the penile rigidity after a single intracavernous injection of the umbilical cord blood.
Substantially, the report revealed that erection was maintained for at least 6 months but was not rigid enough for sexual penetration which suggested that continual and high amounts of the injection were necessary.
It is noteworthy that ED is common in diabetic men and proposed pathogenesis is likely multifactorial with vascular neurological and hormonal alterations. According to Sexual Medicine Reviews, several preclinical studied have addressed stem cell-based therapies for the recovery of erectile function after cavernous nerve injury, Peyronie’s disease, diabetes, ageing, and hyperlipidemia; the studies have shown substantial effects in treating persons with erectile dysfunction.
In a different study, the Sexual Medicine Reviews team examined evidence supporting the association between erectile dysfunction and adipose-derived stem cells, bone marrow, derived stem cells, placental cells, urine stem cells and stem cell therapy respectively. The researchers revealed that placental and urine-derived stem cells possess many similar properties as bone marrow and adipose-derived stem cells but with favourable acquisition procedures.
Human clinical trials as suggested by the researchers show successful stem cells for the improvement of erectile function.
Our Take
If you have been suffering from erectile dysfunction, this is the time to reach out and get treated.
If your partner is sceptical, we are here to support you and help you restore your sexual function. Stem Cell Therapy for treating erectile dysfunction is one of the most advanced and modern approaches available that have proven to substantially reverse or address the symptoms of erectile dysfunction.
The procedure is minimally invasive, highly effective and completely safe for the treatment of ED.
At StemFinityCord, we offer stem cell therapy services most conveniently and effectively based on your needs. We are ready to offer you the best professional care; reach out to us and get yourself back to normal again.
Matz EL, Terlecki R, Zhang Y, et al. (2019). Stem Cell Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction. Sex Med ;7:321–328.
Avant RA, Ziegelman M, Nehra A, et al, (2019). Penile Traction Therapy and Vacuum Erection Devices in Peyronie’s Disease. Sex Med Rev;7:338–348.
Scherzer ND, Dick B, Gabrielson AT, et al, (2019). Penile Prosthesis Complications: Planning, Prevention, and Decision Making. Sex Med ;7:349–359.