Stem Cell Therapy for Spine Injury

The Introduction to Spinal Cord Injury Situation Worldwide

Spinal cord injury is a fatal central nervous system ailment that is documented as a threat to human life by many health professionals globally. The injury is often caused by road accidents, violence, sports injuries, and other traumatic events. The prevalence of spinal cord injuries is approximated at 10 cases in every 100,000 people, which results in more than 700,000 new cases every year. The economic effect due to the treatment of spinal cord injuries is valued at $500,000 per patient with an added $100,000 continuous yearly charges for the entire life of the patient.

Spinal cord injuries are well-defined by a multifaceted force of pathophysiology due to the spinal column being provoked. The pathophysiology of spinal cord injury comprises of two discrete stages namely primary injury which is the primary clipping or compression of the spinal cord tissues. The mechanically subjected force due to primary injury leads to depletion, interruption of the veracity of the cell membranes, which in turn causes a compromise to the neural function due to the imbalance of ions and neurotransmitters. Secondary spinal cord injury is the advanced inflammatory, apoptotic and ischemic cascade preceding the mechanical injury.

Treating Spine Injuries with Stem Cell Therapy

Pharmacological treatment of spine injury involves conventional high doses of corticosteroids, which are administered within eight months after the injury and for further two days. StemFinityCord presents an alternative spinal cord injury treatment measure – Stem Cell Therapy.

Stem cells are unique cells with the ability to undergo irregular division hence producing offspring stem cells and other progenitor cells. The potency of stem cells is defined by the repertoire of the phenotype that they can mature upon transplanting; definitively, the totipotency of stem cells indicates their differential ability to form terminal cell population while their multipotency indicates their ability to follow lineage subsets.

The Process of Stem Cell Treatment for Spine Injury

The Stem Cell procedure is aimed at reducing the proliferation of secondary spinal cord injuries, augmenting the function of the remaining population of cells, and facilitating the regeneration of neural and glial populations. The most potent type of stem cells used in spine injury repair are mesenchymal stem cells from the Wharton’s Jelly of the umbilical cord. The capacity of the mesenchymal stem cells to differentiate into neurons increases the aptitude; this means that StemFinityCord relies on the immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties of stem cells. The mesenchymal stem cells release inflammatory cytokines that lead to the reduction of neural loss, hence their therapeutic strategy for the management of spinal cord injuries.

To qualify for treatment of spinal cord injury using stem cell therapy, the injury has to be either A or B graded based on the American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale. Don’t worry you don’t need to know your grade – our specialists are available to guide you in the diagnostic process.

The Protocol of Stem Cell Treatment for Spine Injuries

The protocol followed by StemFinityCord in administering stem cell transplantation varies as recommended by the specialists; however, the baseline procedure is:

  • 2-week treatment duration
  • Bodily check and testing of blood
  • Injection of the mesenchymal stem cells derived from the umbilical cord in the spinal canal.
  • Multiple sessions of administration of the mesenchymal stem cells

Research on Stem Cells for Spine Injuries

Mesenchymal stem cells have proven to exert both autocrine and paracrine effects since they differentiate towards neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes. Medical researchers have also stated that administering mesenchymal stem cells shows good survival and capacity of differentiation, which in turn promotes functional recovery. Besides after administration of the mesenchymal stem cells, there is an indicated increase in growth of axons at the injured points modest improvement of axonal conduction. Among the secreted molecules, the mesenchymal stem cells show immunomodulatory and trophic, anti-inflammatory, and trophic factors cytokines, which upon transplanting to sites of spinal cord injuries, the stem cells have a positive impact on the host cells.

StemFinity Cord assures you of the safety of spinal canal infused mesenchymal stem cells in treating spinal cord injuries.

In a study carried out by Mayo Clinic, the medical researchers revealed that the therapy is safe for persons with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. To more satisfying results, the stem cell therapy has been federally approved in Japan; this follows a study on 13 people who had experienced spine injury within a 40-days timeline of the study. The study showed that mesenchymal stem cell infusions from the umbilical cord helped to regain the lost sensation and movement. The mesenchymal stem cells have homing properties that enable them to migrate towards the injured sites through chemotactic stimuli. Based on this information, the government of Japan has approved the procedure in which the specialists are allowed to medically use it in treating spinal cord injuries and collect the necessary data from the patients.

We’re Here for You

Spinal cord injury is one aggravating disorder that has seen many people become terminally disabled. The costs attached to the management of this process are often excessive, and thus many people are at the moment living lives of despair. StemFinityCord is presenting you with something more credible, a cost-effective therapeutic process that will help you to get back on your feet often in less than a month. Trusting us means giving us the chance to walk with you through the diagnostic treatment and recuperation process.

  • Cofano. F. et al. (2019). Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Spinal Cord Injury: Current Options, Limitations, and Future of Cell Therapy. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. MDPI. Retrieved May 22, 2020.

  • Jin. C. M. et al. (2018). Stem cell therapies for acute spinal cord injury in humans: a review. Journal of Neurosurgery. Retrieved April 9, 2020.

  • Silvestro. S. (2020). Stem Cells Therapy for Spinal Cord Injury: An Overview of Clinical Trials. MDPI. Retrieved April 9, 2020.
    Mayo Clinic. (2018). A clinical trial of stem cell therapy for traumatic spinal cord injury. Retrieved April 9, 2020.

  • Nature. (2019). Japan’s approval of stem-cell treatment for spinal-cord injury concerns scientists. Retrieved April 9, 2020.

  • Stem Cell Institute. (2017). Stem Cell Therapy for Spinal Cord Injury. Retrieved April 9, 2020.